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Resources and Research

Dr. Monica O'Sullivan, ND

Woodstock, GA

Dr. Monica O'Sullivan, ND

As a Naturopath with over 45 years experience in the healing arts, Dr. O'Sullivan is gifted in the art of helping the body to heal and thrive. She serves her clients from her offices in Woodstock,GA. 

Dr. Janine
Romaner, ND

Woodstock, GA

Dr. Janine
Romaner, ND

Janine Romaner  is a naturopathic doctor practicing in Woodstock, Georgia (north of  Atlanta). At Naturally Healthy, she incorporates non- invasive testing methods and natural remedies to assist in your healing process. 

Begabati Lennihan CCH, RN

Cambridge, MA

Begabati Lennihan CCH, RN

Well known author and homeopath.  Co-founder of the Renaissance Institute of Classical Homeopathy

with Dr. Luc De Schepper. She serves her clients remotely from her office in Cambridge, MA.

Decatur, Ga

Sonja Benjamin

Classical homeopathy, CEASE and homeoprophylaxis (HP) protocol specialist.  She serves her clients from her office in Decatur, Ga.

Atlanta Classical

Sonja Benjamin

Dr. Monica O'Sullivan

As a Naturopath with over 45 years experience in the healing arts, Dr. O'Sullivan is gifted in the art of helping the body to heal and thrive. She serves her clients from her office in Woodstock,GA.  

Community Health &

Dr. Janine Romaner

about-janine-ramero (2).jpg

Janine Romaner  is a naturopathic doctor practicing in Woodstock, Georgia (north of  Atlanta). At her clinic, Naturally Healthy, she incorporates non-invasive testing methods and natural remedies to assist in your healing process.


The clinic is heart-based, with a team of people who genuinely care about each patient. With decades of  experience and extensive training, Janine combines listening, compassion, knowledge and intuition to help you achieve your health goals.


"She sees patients with a variety of  chronic and acute conditions and has a history of excellent success with children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and developmental delays. She follows the Defeat Autism Now approach, as well as extensive gentle but effective detoxification protocols with the children. Through extensive non-invasive testing based in acupuncture, levels of organ toxicity and function, inflammation or degeneration can be determined.

Begabati Lennihan

Begabati Lennihan, is a Certified Classical Homeopath and provides holistic health and wellness education as a Registered Nurse. She graduated from Harvard in 1974 and instead of becoming a doctor like her father, she became an expert in natural healing.


She began practicing homeopathy in 1996 and co-founded the Renaissance Institute of Classical Homeopathy with Dr. Luc De Schepper. She was also the Director of Teleosis School of Homeopathy (2002-2010). Now she serves her clients from her office in Cambridge, MA.


Begabati is the producer of GreenHealingTV on YouTube. She is the author of Your Natural Medicine Cabinet, the most user-friendly introduction to homeopathy; Cough Cures, holistic cough treatments written with a prominent pulmonologist; and A Healer In Every Home for Dogs & Cats, written with a holistic vet. 


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Sonja Benjamin

Sonja Benjamin is a Certified Classical Homeopath (CCH). She has been nationally certified by the Council for Homeopathic Certification (CHC) and is a member of NASH, the North American Society of Homeopaths,and a member of the National Center for Homeopathy. Sonja has been practicing homeopathy in the metro Atlanta area since 2002. 

Atlanta Classical Homeopathy

She studied with Trevor Cook and graduated from the British Institute of Homoeopathy in the Advanced Course of Studies in Homoeopathic Medicine in 2002. She has also studied with internationally renowned homeopaths George Vithoulkas, Robin Murphy, Henny Heudens-Mast, and Jeremy Sherr.


She consults with clients all over the world including Spain, Germany, and Israel. Her youngest client is a few months old and her oldest is 90 years old. Her consultations cover a wide range of conditions.

Monday       As needed
Tuesday       10-2
Wednesday  As needed
Thursday    10-2
Friday         As needed
Saturday     2nd of mon
Sunday       closed




Integrative Health Care


731 Spring Place Dr

White, GA 30184




At WellSpring, a conversation

is not a commitment.

We are dedicated to helping you find the

resources you need.






"Is it possible that after just one adjustment 

I could feel this much better?"


Practitioner Locations

White, GA


731 Spring Place RD

White, GA 30184

Tel: 770.376.0632


IHCCA/WellSpring does not diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any disease.

IHCCA/WellSpring does not diagnose or definitively  confirm

or eliminate the possibility of allergens/allergies.

IHCCA/WellSpring is not a substitute for medical care. If you have an emergency call 911.


© 2018 Integrative Health Care Centers of Atlanta, LLC

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